
credit sales 賒銷。

credit worthy

This essay pointed out that uncompleted credit sale system and ineffective credit management flow are the key cause bringing about trouble to enterprise through the analysis on trouble in credit management of sales on account existing in h company while made some comments based on systematic and complete analysis to its credit management of sales on account in combination with its actual condition . firstly , through the analysis , the basic problem was found in lack of management conception of h company ' s administrator , only using credit management of sales on account as simple withdrawal tool , so that the credit management lose efficacy 本文通過對h公司在賒銷信用管理上所面臨困境的分析,指出了h公司的賒銷信用管理體系不完善及缺少有效的信用管理流程是造成公司困境的主要原因,并結合現代賒銷信用管理的理論基礎,對h公司賒銷信用管理現狀進行了全面系統的分析并結合實際做了一些改進工作:首先,通過分析,發現h公司在信用管理上存在的根本問題是企業的管理人員缺乏信用管理理念,僅僅把賒銷信用管理作為簡單的追帳工具,因此造成企業整個賒銷信用管理體系不完善,實施不得力,信用管理失效。

This thesis aims to analyze the motives and necessity of credit selling activities in enterprises and the possible risks caused by credit sale , consequently , to introduce an effective mechanism to evaluate clients ’ credit and to manage risks of credit sale . it is expected to provide enterprises a thorough understanding to credit selling activities and some suggestions to enterprises to keep the credit risks under control when achieving the most profit . there are five chapters in this thesis 本文在針對企業進行賒銷活動的動機及必要性進行分析的同時,分析了賒銷活動給企業帶來的信用風險,從而進一步分析了企業評估其客戶賒銷信用水平和建立有效的賒銷信用風險管理機制的方法,為企業充分認識賒銷活動,并在取得最大收益的同時能夠很好的管理賒銷信用風險提供一定的參考。

Second chapter summarizes credit risk of credit sale in an enterprise , mainly focusing upon its definition and essence . the third chapter analyzes the credit selling activities from economic perspective , covering the motivation , necessity , and profitability at both the macro - economic level and micro - economic level 第三章,企業賒銷活動的經濟分析;主要從宏觀經濟層面和微觀經濟層面分析企業進行賒銷活動的各種動機、必要性及能夠給企業帶來的利益,并利用消費者剩余理論對此作了進一步解釋。

The writer has divided the thesis into four parts . the first one tells us about the definition of finance company , discusses its cause of formation and its different evolution modes according to which finance company is divided into three types - - - - capital management type , credit sale type and almightiness type 第一章主要對財務公司的概念進行了界定,同時對財務公司的成因和發展模式進行了探討,進而將財務公司分為三種類型,即資金管理型財務公司、信用銷售型財務公司和全能型財務公司。

Credit sale is the typical form of commercial credit which in turn is the premise for other credit transaction ’ s development . it is adopted for enterprises to raise profit and to strengthen their competitiveness in the market . although great achievements have been made through the system of credit sale , we have to take into mind that risks and profits always coexist 商業信用是所有其他信用發展的基礎,而賒銷是商業信用的最典型形式,企業采用賒銷形式對提高企業效益、增強企業競爭力起到了積極作用,但風險和收益永遠是并存的。

With the application background of credit sale management in express business , the paper puts forward certain objective and requirement , consolidates and integrates customers “ credit formation , assesses customers “ credit scores by analytical model . combined with customers “ contribution to the company , customers will be clustered groups by their values , so that they will be served with various measures in credit condition 文中以速遞業務的信用銷售管理為應用背景,明確提出目標需求,整合和集成客戶信用信息,建立信用度分析模型,科學地評估客戶信用,并結合客戶對企業的銷售貢獻,通過聚類方法,對客戶實行信用條件下針對性的價值分類管理。

Different from bank ' s credit risk evaluation , based on business feature in normal credit sale enterprises , analyzing and selecting some factors ii effecting customer ' s credit , we can constitute a neural network construction for the credit risk assessment . trained and tested by samples , the model can be built to evaluate customers “ credit risk reasonably and actively 有別于銀行信貸風險評價,根據一般信用銷售企業的經營特征,在分析和選取影響客戶信用的各種構成因素后,建立客戶信用評價的神經網絡結構,通過訓練和學習,確定客戶信用度的評估模型,能夠合理和動態地評價客戶信用風險。

Through the canalization to the marketing strategy research of the substantial evidence of the fuxin company , in the foundation that the author has collected large quantity of data , mainly using the relevant marketing theory of dr philip kotler , famous as “ the father of marketing “ , the author importantly expound that in the operating process , to small enterprise , there are six most important contents , that is : the market marketing environment analyzes , the market marketing investigation analyzes , the marketing segmentation , the choice of the marketing positioning , target market , the pricing of product , adjective pricing strategy , the marketing outlet management of the business and credit sale risk 本文作者通過對富新公司的營銷策略研究實證分析,在收集大量資料的基礎上,主要應用有“營銷學之父”稱謂的菲利普.科特勒( philip . kotler )博士有關營銷策略的相關理論,重點闡述了在經營運作過程中,對中小企業至關重要的六個方面的內容:市場營銷環境分析,市場營銷調研分析,市場細分、市場定位、目標市場的選擇,產品定價和價格調整戰略,企業的營銷渠道管理以及賒銷風險的問題。

Its formula is that an enterprise provides goods or service to customers , then takes back payment from customers in a certain day , finally puts it into reproduction or service to carry out normal routine . however , credit sale actually is a loaning relation between the enterprise and customers 信用銷售其模式是:向客戶銷售產品(提供服務) ,約定期后從客戶處收回款項,再投入生產(服務) ,實現企業運作的良性循環,但其實質是企業與客戶間的一種借貸關系。

Due to the imperfection of the credit system and management mechanism , enterprises are suffering from some substantive bad account and series of chain debt . there is even a plaint prevailing among many enterprises “ selling on account beget a dead end ; no credit sale is waiting to die ” 由于我國目前社會信用體制不完善、企業管理水平低下的限制,在相當長的時間里出現了巨額的壞賬、 “三角債” ,很多企業竟然發出了“賒銷是找死,不賒銷是等死”的感嘆。

Credit sale management aims to reduce the credit risk of customers and maximize profit from customers . both of they are necessary for enterprises to survive and develop , being in unify and opposite , also are business activities to be done around customers 信用銷售管理的目標是既要降低客戶信用風險,又要實現最大的客戶收入,兩者之間存在既統一又對立的關系,但兩者都是賒銷企業生存發展的必要條件,也都是圍繞客戶進行的經營管理活動。

The credit sale is applied by more and more enterprises as a method of marketing . however , it also brings about arrear question . in order to solve this question , enterprises study and take some measures to control 信用賒銷作為市場營銷的一種手段越來越被更多的企業所采用,但隨之而來的也產生了令企業苦惱的問題? ?拖欠問題,為了解決這個問題,企業紛紛進行研究,采用一些手段對其進行控制,信用管理問題也就成為企業普遍關注的問題。

It will help to achieve well the target of credit sale management that using theories and methods related in analytical crm ( customer relationship management ) research in relation between enterprises and customers 應用分析型crm (客戶關系管理)系統的有關理論和方法,對企業與客戶間的這種互動關系進行研究,將有助于信用銷售管理目標的良好實現。

In a manual system , credit sales , purchases on account , cash receipts , and cash payments are treated as four separate ca tegories , with each type entered into its own special journal 在手工會計系統中,賒銷、賒購、現金收款和現金付款被分為四個不同的種類,每一種會計事項都記錄在特殊的日記賬中。

In a manual system , credit sales , purchases on account , cash receipts , and cash payments are treated as four separate categories , with each type entered into its own special journal 在手工會計系統中,賒銷、賒購、現金收款和現金付款被分為4個不同的種類,每一種會計事項都記錄在特殊的日記帳中。

The investment in accounts receivable results from a firm ’ s credit sales , and its level indicates the extent to which its credit and collections policies are used to stimulate sales 從投資的盲目性,結果應收帳款堅定的信用銷售其水平在多大程度上反映其信用政策是用來收藏和刺激銷售

The development current of market economy is reputation economy characterized by taking reputation as the foundation of economy . in our country , the credit sale also starts a quick growth 西方國家的商品銷售中以信用為基礎的賒銷占90 %以上,而我國的信用銷售也開始迅速增長。

The investment in accounts receivable results from a firm ' s credit sales , and its level indicates the extent to which its credit and collections policies are used to stimulate sales 投資在應收帳款結果從公司的賒銷,并且它的水平表明它的信用和匯集政策用于刺激銷售的程度。

A popular way to estimate uncollectibles , the percentage of sales approach , computes the expense as a percentage of net credit sales ( or net sales ) 估計壞帳的常見方法為銷售百分比法。是按凈賒銷額(或靜銷售額)的一定百分比來計算壞帳費用的方法。